
クラピカ, Chain User, Chain Bastard Rat
Birthday:Apr 4
Initial Age:17
Blood Type:AB
Height: 171 cm 57 Kurapika is a member of the Kurta tribe who were massacred by the Phantom Troupe The Spiders 4 years prior the Hunter exam. The Kurta tribe was an isolated group of people whose eyes would turn scarlet when angered or excited. These scarlet eyes were known to be beautiful being one of the seven most beautiful things in the world. Because of this the Kurta tribe was constantly pursued and eventually massacred. The eyes of the tribe members were all taken away during the massacre. Kurapika is so far the only known survivor with a heart bent on revenge. He strives to have his revenge against the Phantom Troupe as well as to recover the eyes of his tribe members. Despite having a heart full of hatred Kurapika is very kind and loyal towards his friends. He is an extremely intelligent person but at the same time reckless.