Junji Nishimura

西村純二, 西村ジュンジ, Tetsuo Isami (いさみ撤夫)
Birth:Dec 23, 1955
Junji Nishimura is a male Japanese director an episode director and storyboarder from Yobuko Saga Japan though he currently resides in Karatsu Saga. After graduating from Meiji Gakuin University in 1980 Nishimura entered into the anime studio Nishiko Production. Nishimura had his first job as an episode director for Baldios in 1980 and went on to be an episode director in other series such as Six God Combination Godmars and Magical Princess Minky Momo in 1982. In 1984 he resigned from Nishiko and in 1985 had his director debut with Pro Golfer Saru. Since then he has worked as the director on many anime produced by Studio Deen and later on for Seven Arcs.