SPOILERS ARE MARKED AND HIDDEN Overview Skip to Loafer is a nice wholesome slice of life I think Im using the term correctly? I dont actually know what the SoL genre is anime. I was mostly curious to check it out after I saw some manga readers getting hyped up about it before it aired. While its not the favorite of this season nor am I as excited about it as some people I agree that it was a good watch. Mitsumi is a quirky country bumpkin sort of gal whos quite unathletic shes always tripping and falling. But she always dusts herself off and stands back up again in more ways than one. Mitsumi decides to leave her tiny remote town to attend highschool in Tokyo where she meets some new friends. We mostly see how her highschool life unfolds as she discovers new things. Its heartwarming to see how much she believes in herself and others how she helps some of the characters such as Shima and Egashira feel better about themselves and inspire them. It gets quite deep at times really. Skip to Loafer doesnt have a dramatic exciting plot or anything like that its one of those shows that makes you feel really wholesome and lightens a bad day or mood. The Good/Positive The characters have layers and feel like they could be real people with their depth. Even characters that seemed like bad people had humanity in them. I personally couldnt relate to any of them what can I say Im a unique soul but most people probably could. This makes the story hit deeper in my opinion. A bit more on this below: The interactions between the characters were also nice to see. Another thing Skip to Loafer pulled off particularly well is not showing explicit romance but at the same time it doesnt feel frustrating. Most whove watched this could agree that its implied and subtly shown that Shima has feelings for Mitsumi and that she kind of likes him too. Its never actually said in the anime never actually acknowledged directly but hinted at. Ive seen another show do this where theres no actual romance intended just hint hint hint and felt irritated at how its done. Yet in Skip to Loafer I dont feel that. They make it seem more natural in a way. Overall this anime felt a bit like a breath of fresh air. The Bad/Negative Theres not really anything bad about it or anything that bothered me in particular. Its a nice show for relaxing and brightening a sour mood good for what it is. Im just not super excited or hyped about it nor do I extremely love it. Now this is purely just my personal opinion but the art style wasnt my favorite Im not really in favor of it. This still works well for it though. I havent seen any anime yet with this style of drawing so it gives it another unique bit. In the end I was generally satisfied with the show and what I saw nothing more nothing less. Do I recommend? In the mood for some mellow wholesomeness? Got an itch for some school slice of life? Maybe felt like watching some highschool life play out without forced love or odd tropes? Or even just been having bad days lately and wanted to cheer up by watching anime which is the best way to cure bad moods apart from tasty food in my opinion? Go ahead watch Skip to Loafer Gonna break my usual review layout just this once not gonna add the bullet point thing here cause Id literally be repeating my earlier sentences.
88 /100
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