This review contains spoilers The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Never have I seen something that has had such an emotional impact on me like The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I broke down crying into tears multiple times while watching this. This film also accomplished a feat that I dont think that any other piece of media that I have ever seen has done. A few hours after I finished watching this film I was lying down in my bed thinking about the movie that I had just finished and I just started to break down into tears thinking about the film. Name any other piece of media that can do something to a person like that. 1000 When Kyoto Animation made this movie they must have knew how media can have an impact on your mind. If you watch some peoples lives for a long enough time you can start to become attached to them. When you are binging a really long series you may find yourself crying at the very end. Saying goodbye to these people that you know so very well can be a hard thing to do. The act of saying goodbye can have such a large impact on a person. Kyoto Animation did the impossible by making you cry in this very certain way before even the halfway point of the film. 1000 The 28 episodes of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was a very up and down show. While I really loved the 2006 season the 2009 season wasnt very good. However in those 28 episodes you got to know every member of the SOS Brigade extremely well like they were your very own friends. While not every adventure they went on was the most enjoyable one you start to have a deeper emotional connection with these characters as you watched the series. That is the reason why as soon as they are taken away from you it feels so heartbreaking. 1000 15 minutes into the movie Kyon is put into a world without the SOS Brigade. All of the adventures that have taken place throughout the anime series are now just gone. Vanished into nothing with the only remnants of their existence in Kyons memories. Throughout the film he gradually starts to find more clues as to how he can get back to his old worlds existence. There is this point around 50 minutes into the movie where Kyon walks the alternate reality Nagato back home. It was a scene that felt like a scene familiar to me from the anime series. I was feeling something that I couldnt exactly put my finger on. At that point in the film I started to cry. 1000 There has never been a film that somehow connected to me on this deep of an emotional level before. Part of the reason for this is how Kyons journey in this film hits it right at home for me is that it is similar to a journey that I can personally feel after finishing a series. You can either still stick around with the mystical fantasy of the world of the series or go back to the reality where you can be done with what you just finished. Kyon can go back to his old world of adventures or stick around in a world more comparable to the real world. There is no right choice to pick after all Nagato did leave both options available to Kyon. However what Disappearance tells us is that it is okay to go back to the fantastical world of fiction. If that is what you enjoy doing it is all okay. Kyon chose to go back to his old world and the viewer of the film can go into the fandom of anything even of the Haruhi Suzumiya series. There are probably so many more deeper layers of themes and symbolism to unpack in this film. Just talking about the themes of fandom only scratches the surface of this movie. You can probably write an infinite amount of essays about how this film tackles so many more deeper human emotions. I just have a lot of trouble putting into words of what this film did to me. I know that Nagatos character arc made me feel some deeper emotions but I cant put into words how it did. You cant exactly make a complete review for this movie because even if you talk about its themes for over thirty pages there is still probably something left to talk about. 1000 Kyoto Animation brought the big guns for this movie. They somehow made an animated film longer than Infinity War which by itself is an impressive feat. The film also didnt feel like its length. When I finished this movie it didnt feel like two and a half hours had passed like any good movie that has a long movie should do. This is also one of the best scores for an anime film that I have seen. Most of the movie is very quiet and music is only used for the most emotional scenes. When the classical music does come though it hits way too hard. The classical pieces chosen for this film are so good that you are surprised that they werent made specifically made for this film. This film is also very visually stunning. A lot of the animation goes into the smaller actions of the characters. While it may seem like that there isnt much impressive animation of this film there is you just have to look for it. The shot composition in this movie is also phenomenal. 1000 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is a league above anything else I have ever seen in my life. This movie will change your life in some way after you have watched it. This movie provided me emotions of the deepest pit of despair and the comfort of a hug from a loved one. I know my life will be different from now on just because of this movie. Bravo Kyoto Animation Bravo. 1000 I am rating this a perfect 100 out of 100 and I am still kind of mad that I cant give it an Infinity out of 100.
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