
トリコ, The Glutton, Charismatic Goumet Hunter
Birthday:May 25, 4750
Blood Type:O
Height: 220 cm HorsDoeuvre: BB Corn Soup: Century Soup Komatsus Version Fish Dish: Meat Dish: Main: GOD Has yet to acquire it Salad: Dessert: Fruit of Rainbow Drink: A Bishokuya with an abnormally large appetite a food serving for 500 people could only get him 1/10 full. Toriko is 25 years old the same age as Komatsu.He is known as one of the Four Heavenly Kings and his nickname is The Glutton. Despite having a huge appetite and massive power he doesnt indiscriminately kill and eat any animal he only kills those animals he decides to eat. He has immunity to seventy different poisons created by injecting himself with a near fatal dose of each poison and causing his body to create antibodies. He also has an animallike sense of smell. He has adopted the Battle Wolfs new born pup and named it Terry Cloth. Like the other Kings Toriko started of as a chain animal. Hunting Method: Toriko relies on his sheer monsterlike strength to capture his targets.