Arata Wataya

綿谷新, Megane
Birthday:Dec 1
Blood Type:O
Height: 173cm 58 School: Fukui Prefecture East Hitsufujioka High School Karuta Society: Fukui Nagumo Society A Class Arata Wataya was a transfer student from Fukui that went to Chihayas elementary school. The grandchild of a master karuta player Arata inspires Chihaya to take up karuta by telling her that he thinks she has a talent for it. He had difficulty fitting in at Chihayas elementary school because of his Fukui dialect and his familys poverty. His passion for karuta is inspired by his grandfather a Meijin master. After their first game at Aratas house Chihaya befriends him. His dream is to become a Karuta Meijin. After graduating from elementary school he returned to Fukui to care for his sick grandfather. He stops playing karuta because his grandfather died while Arata was competing in a karuta tournament to rise to Arank. However after Chihaya and Taichi visit him in Fukui he regains his resolve to play competitive karuta again.