
金糸雀, Kanarienvogel, Kanagawa, Kanada
The second Rozen Maiden doll who is as adorable as she is eccentric. Not only does she constantly refer to herself in third person but she also talks about taking her sisters Rosa Mysticae though she repeatedly fails in her attempts to do so. She fancies herself as quite the stealthy prowler and makes a hobby of watching the exploits of her sisters usually through binoculars. Kanarias bright somewhat arrogant disposition makes her the ideal subject for many of the comedic episodes. Despite this she is a competent opponent and attacks with a deceptively adorable violin that destroys through its sound. Her personality mostly complements that of Hinaichigo who eventually becomes her good friend and rival. Kanaria has the unusual habit of ending her sentences with kashira I wonder? or maybe? which is likened to Hinaichigos penchant for ending sentences with na no meaning Because. Kanarias favorite food is tamagoyaki or Japanese thick omelet which more often than not is snatched away from her by hungry birds before she can enjoy it. She is introduced in the second season and makes a brief appearance in Rozen Maiden: Ouverture making yet another humorously overthetop attempt to infiltrate Juns home to steal her sisters Rosa Mysticae. Her artificial spirit is named after the technique of playing orchestral instruments by plucking the strings which she uses as a counterattack. Medium: Mitsu Artificial Spirit: Pizzicato Kanarias name in English means canary.