Hibiki Shikyoin

紫京院ひびき, The Greatest Prince, Kaitou Genius (怪盗ジーニアス), Kurukuru-chan, Mahou-chan
The main antagonist in the second season of PriPara. Hibiki is a first year in high school student and the grandchild of one of Paprika Private Academys chairman investors. Her alter ego in PriPara is the Thieving Genius Kaitou Genius who makes her first appearance in Episode 57 stealing Dressing Flowers PriTickets. Her preferred brand is Brilliant Prince. Hibiki is fixated on finding the Best Princess for reasons that are currently unknown. She believes that not everyone can be an idol which given the nature of series makes her appear nihilistic and cynical. Because many of her motives are shrouded in mystery this combined with her cunning and manipulative personality gives her an overall shady character. Hibiki hates sentenceenders and whenever she hears one she freaks out. Source: PriPara Wikia