Leonardo da Vinci

レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ, キャスター, DaVinci-chan, Caster, Universal Genius, Shopkeeper, Da Vinci Lily, Loli Vinci, Gran Cavallo, ShotaVinci
Leonardo is an individual from the 15th16th century revered as one of the greatest geniuses of human history. Often called The Almighty for his vast knowledge and deep mastery of every craft from Arts to Science. Despite not being from a longrunning lineage of Magi and not having any Magic Crests DaVinci still excelled at Magecraft thanks to diligent study. DaVinci is the Third successful Summoning performed at Chaldea. Summoned when the system was still incomplete she had limited time at her disposal but curious about Chaldeas circumstances and convinced by Romani she decided to stick around. To do so she created a duplicate puppet to act as her Master through a masqueraded contract. This is also the reason why she cant fight she needs a real Master to actually become a fullfledged Heroic Spirit. Though normally male when summoned he takes the appearance of Mona Lisa. He pursued ideal beauty in life so he is content in becoming the embodiment of ideal beauty in death.