
ウェウェコヨトル, Kohaku
Kohaku is one of the Another who has settled in Miyako Aratas house. Their gender is unknown but as Another they are revered as a god of music dance and festivities they are also famous as a god of evil that makes people boredom fight in boredom as a form of enjoyment. Appearance Kohakus gender is unknown but his human form is that of a beautiful ladylike visage with long indigo hair that extends to their feet. Their amber colored eyes is their signature as its popular to both Another and humans as a beastlike color and their eye color gave Abe no Seimei the idea of naming them as Kohaku which literally means amber in Japanese. Kohaku who also known as Huehuecoyotl is an Another who is first seen wreaking havoc in different wards of Japan.