Lag Seeing

Initial Age:7
The main protagonist in Letter Bee. He is a young boy with a very focused mindset regardless of what situations he gets into and always focuses on delivering the package. He has a special gun called the Shin Ganjuu literally the quotheart bullet gunquot where he loads a quotfragment of heartquot into the gun then fires it at the target. He is seemingly being able to control the direction of the shot. As a child he was quotdeliveredquot by the letter bee Gauche Suede and was inspired by him to become a letter bee. He is searching for his mother who was kidnapped to the capital of the country. His left eye is made of red spirit amber allowing him to better use the Shin Ganjuu. His quotDingoquot is Niche a girl he saved from a Gaichuu armored insect who decided to stay at his side when he said yes to her asking him if saying goodbye would make him sad after seeing his memories via the Shin Ganjuu. Source: Wikipedia