
リザードン, Charizard, Dracaufeu, Glurak
Lizardon is a draconic bipedal Pokmon. It is primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It has a long neck small blue eyes slightly raised nostrils and two hornlike structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head. There are two fangs visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is closed. Two large wings with bluegreen undersides sprout from its back and a hornlike appendage juts out from the third joint of each wing. A single wingfinger is visible through the center of each wing membrane. Lizardons arms are short and skinny compared to its robust belly and each limb has three white claws. It has stocky legs with creamcolored soles on each of its plantigrade feet. The tip of its long tapering tail burns with a sizable flame. Source: Bulbapedia