
アネモネ, Fuuka Anemone Ishii (石井・風花・アネモネ)
Age:17 - 19
Height: 51 Hair Color: Pink Eye Color: Purple Relatives: Unnamed parents Affiliation: United Federation Anemone is a soldier of the United Federation and the pilot of the Nirvash typeTheEND. She regularly suffers from painful headaches nose bleeds and emotional instability most of which can be temporarily treated with a drug injected into a receptor in her neck. Dewey Novak assigns Dominic Sorel to be her caretaker so he can monitor her condition. At times Dominic injects neurological stimulants into her neck which calms her mind and brings out her more focused bloodlusting personality. In her drugged state Anemone is almost unbeatable in the skies with TheEND. Renton Thurston and Eureka have trouble fighting her with the Nirvash typeZERO and Holland Novak in his Terminus typeR909 LFO wasnt able to stand against her for very long. Thanks in part to her more advanced LFO Anemone can outfly most regular LFOs. Anemone is known to be a callous moody and violent girl towards others prone to violent tantrums. When not under the effects of the neurological stimulant drugs Anemone is often prone to violent tantrums and is very fearful at times when told to carry out a mission with TheEND. She is willing to do anything to please Dewey even if it is at the cost of her own life and treats Dominic with contempt due to her belief that he doesnt understand what she is going through. She holds an unconcealed hatred towards Eureka and is determined to defeat her along with the Nirvash and Renton. She never hesitates to back down from a mission no matter how dire the situation is if it is what Dewey wants. In the Eureka Seven: HiEvolution movies Anemones full name is Fuuka Anemone Ishii. Source: Eureka Seven Wiki edited