Anne Littstein

Birthday:Dec 23
Initial Age:16
One of Mia loyal retainers. Shes known to be a little clumsy in her duties as a maid. The eldest daughter of the Littstein family. From a commoner and poor origin she didnt come to the Whitemoon Palace to dedicate her life to loyal servitude to the imperial family but because she was in need of money. In the previous timeline by the time Mia was imprisoned a few people had come to see Mia for the first few weeks but their visits ended as soon as they realized that she would never claim the throne. Only Anne kept visiting her not waiting more than a day or two between visits. Sometimes she would bring snacks. Other times she would come with water and a washcloth. Knowing that Mia couldnt bathe Anne would wash her as best she could and tidy up her clothes. Day after day week after week she came her loyalty unfaltering. On the day of Mias execution Mia made her way toward the guillotine regretting that she could do nothing to repay this faithful maids devotion and kindness. In the timeline of the main story Mia remembered what Anne did for her and as a repay for Annes devotion to her she appointed Anne as her personal maidinwaiting.