Frederick F. Brown

Frederick F. Brown was a young soldier enrolled at a Zeon military school. After graduation he is subsequently assigned to the Mobile Assault Force 1st Mobile Infantry Division 1st Battalion B Company and was under Kycilia Zabis command. As the One Year War begins Frederick was first known to have participated the Loum campaign where Browns group gases a space colony. In November 0079 after commander Garmas death he was transferred to Earth with his company to support Operation Odessa along with the Black TriStars. His squad runs into and fights the RX782 Gundam where it destroys three of his comrades. Frederick and remaining members of his squad regroup with a Mad Angler team. He also fought in the Battle of Jaburo. His last sortie was at the Battle of A Baoa Qu piloting a Gelgoog. Brown survived the battle of A Baoa Qu and commanded a Neo Zeon force on Earth in UC 0092. He is a reoccuring character in Kazuhisa Kondos Gundam works.