Kagura Souma

草摩楽羅, Kagura Soma
Birthday:Jul 6, 1991
Blood Type:B
Zodiac Animal: Boar She has been in love with Kyohttps://anilist.co/character/209 since they were young although she doesnt know that Kyo is in love with her friend Tohru Hondahttps://anilist.co/character/207. Because of her pity of him as a child when he was all alone because he carried the curse of the cat she played with and took care of him. Eventually it developed into a nearobsessive love for him. She is convinced she will marry him mainly because she threatened him into proposing to her at age 7 with knives in the manga or a boulder in the anime to a 5year old Kyo and partly because she thinks that they belong together because they can hug each other without transforming into their zodiac form. Despite this love she often loses her head and beats him senseless when he does something to anger her or make her anxious. As one of the only three female members of the zodiac she is able to hug any of the male members and neither she nor they transform. She lives with her mother who is perfectly okay with Kaguras doubleedged personality and Rinhttps://anilist.co/character/3892. Kagura seemingly is the only female member of the zodiac that has not been personally hurt by Akitohttps://anilist.co/character/374.