Momoko Asuka

飛鳥ももこ, Momo-chan, Mindy
Birthday:May 6
Momoko or Momochan is actually from America. She appears quite late in the series at the start of the third season Motto. Momoko is sent by Jousama to help Doremi and her friends to bake sweets. She is always loud and hyper and sometimes blunt. She is closest friends with Doremi. When she was eight she became a witch under the apprenticeship of Majomonroe. When Majomonroe fell sick and passed away Momoko used the forbidden magic to attempt to revive her. Even though it didnt work she lost her witch powers. Now she is given a second chance. One important fact about Momoko is that in Motto she only knew how to speak English. Only when she was a witch could she speak Japanese. By Dokkan her friends had thought her to speak the language but Momoko would sometimes comment with English words. Like Wow Momoko has no real love interest. Momokos birthday is May 6 her favorite color is yellow and her instrument is the guitar. Her family consists of her parents.