Misaki Kureha

Blood Type:A
Height: 162 cm Weight: 42 kg Measurements: 935484 cm Nationality: Japanese Likes to: Cook and eat noodles Description: Now 18 Misaki was raised from a young age almost like an orphan because her father died at Watchers Nest and her mother had already passed on. Shes a klutz who cant get anything right. Because of this she was unable to find a good job on the overpopulated and economically depressed Earth so she joined the army. Even there shes still a klutz but for some reason she was selected as an elite Seraphim cadet. However this was all part of a master plan. The occasional extraordinary feats of prognostication and the transformation she undergoes in front of a Ghoul one by one the secrets hidden inside Misaki are being revealed. Source: http://www.advfilms.com