Yuri Suzuki

鈴木夕梨, Ishtar, ユーリ・イシュタル, Yuri Ishtar
The main character of the story. Only fifteen at the start of the series Yuri is confident and willing to take up any charitable cause. As she possesses knowledge far greater than any woman of the time such as recognition of iron and knowledge of 20th century medical practices and hygiene and often seems to find herself in situations that quotprovequot she is Ishtar she is often considered to have divine powers and is thought by most to be the living incarnation of the goddess of love and war Ishtar. As such she is often referred to as Yuri Ishtar . Despite this she is tomboyish preferring to dress in mens clothing for the sake of practicality much to the consternation and dismay of her handmaids. She is an accomplished gymnast and during her stay in Hattusa she learns the art of sword fighting and archery so that she can better help Kail and survive on her own.