Saga of Tanya the Evil the Movie 50 Lieutenant loli is back and shes still the most spiteful atheist of the 20th century. This movie takes a look at both the offensive and defensive battles Tanya Degurechaff fights for the Imperial army. Instead of showcasing the horrors of war the movie instead focuses on the chaos and destruction of each battle. Usually no match for any enemy Tanya and her unit suddenly face an actually challenging foe in the form of numbers and a certain vengeful individual. But of course going from salaryman to warmonger to strategist and scariest of all a child Degurechaff wont let anyone stand in her way of a dream job in the rear lines. Overview Plot: Solid good at showing battle7.3/10 Characters: Same as the show with a new basic vengeful woman 7.3/10 Visuals: Great animation on the fight scenes8.2/10 Audio: Good timing is the only thing its got going for it 7.2/10 Enjoyment: Pretty good I guess 8.5/10 Plot 7.3/10 It was alright. It wasnt bad but there wasnt anything outstanding about it either. The emotions of the soldiers were mostly brushed over save but a few instances such as when celebrating victory or a few moments when theyre in the trenches. Battlefields are the natural habitat of a frontline warmonger like Tanya and I feel like the movie did a great job of portraying the chaos of combat with bullets whizzing past shells exploding seemingly at random brimstone from above and hellfire from beneath with war cries and screams. Other than that I honestly cant praise it or rebuke anything. It did its job it was entertaining solidly written but overall lackluster. Characters: 7.3/10 Im assuming youve seen the first season and therefore are somewhat familiar with most of the characters already. You got: spiteful loli bubbly underling plot fodder subordinates that one guy and some grumpy old man. The audience is introduced to a new antagonist relatively early on and she may have been alluded to in the original series but I dont remember. Anyways shes your basic Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. type person who is somehow incompetent but also extremely overpowered through the magic that is vengeful spite and willpower. A few other people are introduced but shes the only one consequential enough to mention. Like I said before well written definitely not bad but pretty average compared to most other anime. Visuals 8.2/10 Pretty dang good actually. Theres a lot of flying and fight scenes and theyre all detailed. The camerawork I dont know if I should call it camerawork since theres not technically a camera is really well done and does a good job of showcasing the ariel battles. Its constantly showing different angles and rotating a bit to get a full picture of everything going on while also not being overly busy. Theres one scene near the end when theyre flying through a city and it was well good enough for me to mention here. Animation wise everythings also pretty solid especially when fighting which is like half the movie. The color scheme is well suited to the theme and backgrounds have a decent amount of effort. Audio 7.2 I thought the music did a good job of capturing the emotions of the scenes which was needed especially since the rest of the focus seemed to be directed elsewhere. The sound effects were also kind of satisfying. Both those things were perfectly used in the right times and places however good timing and a few particularly nice effects and pieces is all the movie has going for it in this aspect. Enjoyment 8.5 Despite it sounding like Im just calling this movie average with a few redeemable qualities I did enjoy it. Was I on the edge of my seat eyes glued to the screen anxious to know what happens next? Kinda. I mean its good at the risk of sounding redundant not great. Its not something thats going to leave an impact on me where Ill be thinking about it months from now but at the same time I cant say anything bad about it. Luckily a movie doesnt need to check all the boxes of whatever criteria there is to be entertaining and watchable. It was solid the whole way through and while having some room for improvement there was even less for critique.
77 /100
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