I originally wrote and posted this review on MyAnimeList.net on July 18th 2017. Someone reminded me it exists so Im posting it here because what is love but a tragic sickness. Specials that are bonus episodes are an incentive to get fans to buy merchandise usually the home video release or a volume of the comic. These bonus episodes typically involve the characters youve invested time in acting out a story that has no impact on the grand scheme. Other times these serve as an epilogue of sorts like in the case of SteinsGate: Egoistic Poriomania. The most common kinds of specials are the nonsensical shorts like Tachikomatic Days or Gun x Swordsan. They give you a break from the drama by giving you fan service in its purest form. Pantyless. This short was played in theaters before the showing of three films. Well an hour and a half summary film and two 24 minute side stories. The summary was for Shakugan no Shana while fans of Inukami and Kinos Journey got more of what they love. For those that managed to find this page on their way to any of the previously mentioned they are titled Shakugan no Shana: The Movie Inukami The Movie: Tokumei Reiteki Sousakan Karina Shirou and Kinos Journey The Land of Sickness For You. If that last one is the only one youre interested in then welcome to my boat. It kinda sucks. The story involves characters from all three shows attending the showing of their films. The most glaring aspect is that not all of them get equal screen time namely Kino. A significant portion of this short involves characters from Shakugan and Inukami getting into antics and presumably making jokes and references specific to their fans. This leaves Kino and her talking motorcycle Hermes with 23 oneliners lodged in the sidelines away from all the fun. It misses out on having a character from a solemn franchise interacting with those aimed at a different kind of people. It wouldnt have to be anything substantial or clever. Just something that would let viewers feel like a part of a larger crowd. I can only assume that if you have seen one or both shows aside from Kino the value of these 3 minutes would be greater. At least I got to see SD Kino. I realize that being this critical of a 180 second fan pandering animation is a waste of time but ever since I watched this 8 years ago every time I see it on my list I stir. I stir thinking how my girl Kino got shafted by a pair of wacky light novel girls because of marketing. Oh what a beautiful world. Rereading this writing a lot of it still holds up to me lmao. Theres no real review here. Asking for a media to be something you wish it was or could be isnt being critical. Its just wishful thinking while living daybyday because youre bored with where you are currently and sometimes you just need that respite within your imagination. The world may be tragic but it can still be beautiful.
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