Our FMC final relative has sadly passed away. With no job no money and no place of living she has no idea what do. Its doubly problematic considering shes not really a pretty woman. Which in manga terms means that she is an 8/10 in a world where everyone is 11/10. However a small luck occurs when she reads a letter stating that she does have more relatives and she is the daughter of the very famous actress. When she reaches the home everyone is very unaccepting of her. As the 8/10 heroine looks nothing like the 11/10 brother and sisters she presumes to have. They pick on her pretty much put all the chores on her alongside this other maid that also helps from time to time. Regardless she feels more and more at home as the sister and 2 brothers become more and more accepting of her. Btw her mother is kind of a whore so all of them are halfrelated. Now lets talk about shit that really matters. Romance. Its kinda messed up. The FMC is actually in love with the Glasses boi. Who is her eldest brother similarly. Her younger brother is also in love.... With the older person. So we have 2 incest situations. 1 hetero incest and 1 gay incest. Very interesting to say the least. The first 4 volumes of this series is fighting that urge. Retaining that brothersister relationship so at the very least you can still be close to each other. However this kind of falls apart when its revealed that the FMC isnt actually related to anybody beside the pretty boi her younger brother. So now what do you when you want to love someone who genuinely thinks your just his little sister? Well you read this manga and find out. I have to say originally i wasnt too hot on this series. This is a pretty classic series of characters that were assholes becoming decent human beings. My issue with it is that every heroine seems to be this nice guy. Which is weird. Like Mother is garbage but she still gets away with this whole I forgive you bullshit. I understand that Manga in general has an issue with assaults and abuse being very heavily downplayed. But that doesnt mean I have to like it either. Despite this the character change happens pretty much after volume 4 and all of them become more likable... for a lack of better term. The characters try to push the female lead to constantly better herself and its really refreshing this girl with practically no self esteem becoming more and more confident. She keeps thinking that shes not worthy so when she does realize what shes capable of it was very enjoyable to watch. I do have some other issues like the FMC being too much of a doormat at times. Characters being forgiven as Ive mentioned. But i dont think these problems are big enough to make me say that you shouldnt read this and really thats all that matter. The characters are also screaming all the time but I think thats because when they do get quiet its to have more of a dramatic effect. The characters story drama and romance all lead up and become better and better as the series progresses. There are some lazy drama introductions but although i may not have enjoyed how they started i definitely liked how they played like the mute arc. Some of the detailed art moments are just beautiful and this is especially noticeable when the author draws the female lead like the 11/10 she is. 1 technical issue is that the first 7 volumes of the manga looks like it was translated back in 1995. I really hope someone retranslates that part of the series. TLDR: Try to hang in there. Its not some masterpiece but it is surprisingly well written and addicting. Much to my own surprise. Some unresolved plots and the last page shouldve been a whole chapter but overall still a strong 7/10
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