When you open this manga and begin reading it you also begin a journey. Much larger than yourself. JoJos Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood is an introduction. Some of the few manga series that starts in the very beginning. Everything that happens before and after this installment can be traced back to one struggle. Dio Brando and Johnathan Joestar. Youre introduced to a plot device that connects way before the struggle and after as well. The stone mask. The stone mask is truly a great plot device choice on the part of Hirohiko Araki. From panel one it foreshadows the second installment. The stone mask is surrounded by mystery. When two worlds collide its right in the center of it all. The initial struggle between Dio and Johnathan is a powerful one. You can feel the true hatred between the two. Dio himself. Dio is easily one of the greatest villains from any story. Wellrounded and immediately pegged as genuinely evil. His character is truly perfect a true villain. Dio has the struggle the backstory of someone destined for evil. Araki conveyed this well. Eventually Dio proves this. By such things as kicking Danny a dog. Heartlessly killing innocent civilians. He compares the sheer amount of travesties hes committed to the amount of bread one has eaten in their life. Gaining powers unrivaled to his own his use of them are only to further himself. No soft spots. A cold heart Now for Johnathan. Johnathan is a great protagonist and a great way Araki conveys the contrast between good and evil. Johnathan is a true gentleman rich and borderline philanthropist. he will stop at nothing to defeat evil. Even if he knows deep down he is disadvantaged. True resolve like a hero should have. Hes a good strong protagonist figure. Even in his final moments he fights til the death. That was just a character review. The manga itself is well executed and well drawn. The art style inspired by other sources for certain design elements for example Johnathans design and every characters large stature inspired by the characters of Fist Of The North Star. Other than that its very original and unlike no other. It only improves with times and can be seen getting better and evolving changing throughout Arakis career. Simply put this a beautiful work of art. Nothing else is like it. Its a beautiful mix of realism and traditional manga. Every panel feels like its own piece of art. You can feel the love and care Araki put in every single pen stroke. This manga is among the greats and should be read by anyone who has an interest in anime or manga culture. It is truly in a league of its own.
80 /100
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