Joshiraku is an anime from 2013 which follows the lives of five young female rakugo comedians. If youve watched or read Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei or Kakushigoto youll be instantly familiar with the original creator Kji Kumeta His stories tend to be fairly comedic with a lot of references to anime japanese culture and whatever else he can find. Fairly recently the ending theme to the series got popular out of nowhere which led me to sit down and watch through it myself. What Joshiraku boils down is that its a show about nothing essentially. What do I mean by this? The only consistent thing about it aside from the characters is that they start each episode performing part of their story which ends with them thanking the audience and entering the dressing room which leads to the plot for the first segment. For instance in episode 1 the girls get an invitation to a casual dress party and begin questioning what exactly casual dress means. Which in turn leads to them wondering if everyone prefers cats or dogs. A lot of jokes will go over your head simply because theyre not meant for you or I. This is simply an anime that is about Japanese Culture. This isnt to say there arent a few Western references thrown in however as they do reference Dirty Harry in episode 1 they even have a picture of KISS on screen at one point. But overall its really just Japanesecentric humor that your average fan wont get because they dont live in Japan. Should You Watch Joshiraku? No. This isnt to say its trash or anything far from it in fact. But unless you want to pause after every joke to look up what the hell is Suehirotei? youre going to be lost. There are some grade A references to anime you might catch even a Space Sheriff Gavan reference but overall youll spend more time wondering what theyre talking about then you will be laughing at some of the comedy that isnt references. Joshiraku is a one of a kind series in this result its not bad far from it but itll go over your head because of everything it winds up referencing. The ED is a banger which got popular but youll just walk away more confused about this than you did when you began it. The fourth wall breaking jokes are hilarious the animation is great and the voice work is top notch. But that cant save it from just not being what myself or many others will actually get. Even simple things like the occasional jokes at one of Japans former Prime Minsters is confusing because youre left wondering Who is that? which leads to figuring out why hes a joke.
75 /100
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