SPOILERS BEWARE Inukami was a random show I decided to try and wellthe first two episodes certainly had me questioning the sanity of the writers. This is a 2006 show and I GUARANTEE that this sort of anime would not be allowed to air on TV nowadays these first two episodes have got to be the greatest what the fuk moment to the beginning of a series. I can safely say Inukami tops my list of the most bizarre ways to start off a series. Just what the hell did I watch in those two episodesThe comedy and humour is certainly unique which I have to give it credit for and it definitely had me laughing although extremely confused as I was still lingering with thoughts of someone thought these episodes were a good idea??? Nevertheless once you pass these two episodes the show actually takes a much tamer approach and stops with the extraordinary amount of ecchi fanservice or should I say manserive that was shown in those two first episodes and to me it wasnt even the good fanservice since it was practically nude males and thats not what Im looking for in my fanservice shows if you know what I mean haha. A brief note on episode 8 there was so much shit and chaos happening that even at one point Keita turned into the portrait of the scream which is a pretty famous painting that I recognise from my art classes so the fact this anime referenced this painting was a nice easter egg and one I can gladly recognise since its nostalgic taking me back to my school days. Another brief note on episode 17 where Inukamis humour shows its true unique sense of humour the dark magician Sekidousai has a sidekick robot that uses a drill as his weapon and where exactly does this drill come from? His crotch area of course to symbolise a penis which may seem childish and immature but this is how Inukami is this is the true nature of this show and of course the ending of the episode the magician had to reveal his penis with another reference to the very familiar elephant at this point since it wouldnt quite be Inukami without these legendary references which we were introduced to already in the very first episode of this masterpiece of a show. Inukami is a mixed bag and this show is definitely not for everyone for me who can basically enjoy all genres it was incredible difficult to process at first but overtime I accepted that this is Inukami that I am watching and am I going to remember Inukami after finishing it? The simple answer is yes as this anime certainly twisted the foundations of what I thought was okay to air on TV it took what I thought was extreme and completely set a new level but If you get turned off by ecchiness and pervertedness then this show is not for you and you should not even bother picking it up since those two are keywords throughout the whole series and Inukami stays true to them from practically the beginning till the end. At no point did I want to drop this anime as I was simply watching on to see how much more Inukami can offer and it really outdoes itself at times. Heck near the end it even tries to become a drama/emotional show for a few episodes which doesnt really work with the nature of Inukami as 3 minutes later we will be back to seeing yet another elephant. It doesnt really work but I still enjoyed it just a simple touch on Keita and Youkos backstory was very nice and this flashback reminded me of yet another fox from Kanon and if youve seen that show then you know exactly who Im referring to since I cant really forget that specific arc. Speaking of Youko even after finishing the show Im still not really a fan of her its natural for a girl to get jealous over a man she loves but she takes that to an extreme and would literally set Keita on fire for even looking at another woman. That kind of personality became really tiresome to deal with so although she has some really nice and sweet moments they are countered by her pretty annoying personality of being jealous over any little thing. With this personality existing it was practically impossible for any other girl in the show to create even a slight friendship since Youko would be right then and there to stop that relationship from developing any further whether it was just as friends or lovers. With this said Youko was pretty hard to stand at the beginning and mostly in the middle too and only right at the end did she finally start becoming slightly more bearable. With so many female characters in the show you know what has to come next who is the best girl if not Youko in that case? And this time round off the top of my head I wouldnt be able to give you a straight answer there is quite a lot of female characters in this anime and most if not all are actually better than Youko since Youkos personality was simply too much for me to take to enjoy her character. If not Youko then the next best choice seems like we would have to look no further than Kaorus Inukami as gradually over time they get more and more attached to Keita so they go from hating him and thinking he is just a disgusting pervert to someone who is kind with a good heart. It felt like most of the Inukami got a bit of screen time to themselves but if there is one specifically I would like to have seen more of then it would be Gokyouya. She got half of an episode if I were to even call it that but her date with Keita was really wholesome and showed a different side of her that wasnt previously shown at all in the anime. It was also the episode where the anime actually showed some real fanservice that wasnt specifically man service lol so that was refreshing. Gokyouya is the Inukami I would like to know most about to see what other sides she has to her personality but since she is a kind of blind choice then I would probably pick Nadeshiko as the best girl of this anime although none of the characters really stood out to a degree that I would start getting really attached to them. Closing words on Inukami is that this anime was certainly a breath of fresh air that I definitely enjoyed once my brain processed the nature of what I am witnessing. For me it was still a thoroughly enjoyable experience as I mentioned earlier I can practically watch any genre no matter how extreme it takes that specific genre. A brief note on the OP it is used in all but the last episode and thats not something you see nowadays for a longer show but in this case I am really glad they stuck to this OP as its such a banger god I love this OP so much. This time I found another gem of a song by picking up a masterpiece that is Inukami in itself. This is one hell of a ride that will have you scratching your head and probably laughing in tears since its an incredible comedy. I do highly recommend Inukami but its really a hit or miss depending on the individual for me it was definitely a hit and Im glad I stumbled across it
70 /100
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