Spoilers: The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You is a manga about a boy who catches girlfriends like ash catches pokemon except for the fact that he does it way better than ash ever could. When I started reading this I thought huh this is an interesting idea and it was for some time. My thoughts on this manga went from This is so funny and good to This is ok. So today let me tell you why 100 gf went from a must read to an just an ok manga for me. What made it good: When 100 gf started off having many aspects to it. The comedy the serious moments and the cuteness The ecchi was there too but it wasnt that focused on and it was mostly kept for special chapters. And tbf It pulled all of them off quite well too. Everything up till the rescue arc was perfectly done. You can nitpick things here and there but for me this time period was the peak for 100 gf. The best moments came from this time period. It was wonderful time to be a 100 gf. But I started to notice that the manga that I used to love before kinda started to fall from greatness. Comedy: For me 100 gf didnt just straight go from good to meh but it slowly fell in it. You know those aspects that I talked about before? Well they are still here but they are somewhat different. The main thing for me is the balance. It seemed like everything was in balance before. The cuteness the comedy and the seriousness. But rn it seems as that comedy now takes the main focus. While I understand this is technically a gag manga. Not everything can be a joke You cant just keep throwing jokes in the readers face and expect them to laugh. Ok If the jokes are unique and funny then fine but it feels as tho they are the same joke but in different skins. Like the fourth wall jokes or them blushing while grinding their teeth they started as kinda funny then the author started doing them so much that it lost its charm. Like why try to tell a actual joke when someone can just say the author is stupid this manga makes so no sense and other fourth wall breaks joke and just move on. I mean some jokes can be funny. I am not saying they arent but when you are overexposed to joke after joke after joke the good joke doesnt hit that hard because its mixed in with these other jokes. 420https://i.ur.com/CEvgMCz.jpg 420https://i.ur.com/a9aK2Em.png Cuteness: The Cuteness just came naturally but now its just hey guys looks shizuka is cute isnt it she is so cute etc etc. The cuteness came from characters but now they arent characters they are just types of girls. Their goofiness is upped so much that it just feels wrong. Like ofc shizuka is cute but when you make it into a gag. What am I supposed to feel? I dont feel the scene is cute since you are trying to force the idea by telling me that the scene is cute. I dont feel like laughing because its not really funny when the whole joke is that wow look she is cute. So what am I supposed to feel? I dont like the idea of them mixing the two things because it just makes them both look weaker. 420https://i.ur.com/pnkCjln.png 420https://i.ur.com/hIxBizX.jpg Seriousness: Ofc the rescue arc is the most serious arc in the manga and its also the most well received. The current serious arcs dont really work imo because they feel too goofy. Like I get it Its a gag manga but just take the comedy out for 1 sec for a serious scene please. Like there was this time where karane lost her memory and the message was basically that rentarou will love his girlfriends for the way they are. But how am I supposed to feel anything in this chapter when the previous chapter was unnecessary ecchi which has increased a lot for some reason and even in the current chapter they are doing stuff like gathering their energy. Ik that rescue arc had some goofy things about them too but 1. They were more grounded in reality so didnt feel that out of place like ofc the rich family is gonna have these high tech stuff and 2. There are reasons on why they were there instead of just haha funny. Example being the lying chair machine served a purpose of showing that rentarou loves him girlfriends to the mother. What purpose does the dragon ball thing serve? And please god dont get me started on the hair arc. That shit was a disaster. The best modern serious ch was ch 60 since it developed Ikus character nicely and there werent any out of place moments. 420https://i.ur.com/OEuK9ux.jpg 420https://i.ur.com/dOtIZSY.jpg Some Last Words: Was 100 gf always mid? Was I delusional? No no no no no that cant be right. Ye 100 gf was good. And yes my entire point is that a gag manga is too goofy and I stand by it. Just lower the goofiness and maybe I will give it a try again or dont. If other people enjoy it who am I to judge? Maybe Its just time for me to read some better manga. Irl pic of me remembering the good old days: 420https://i.ur.com/jF3xrXP.jpg
50 /100
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