I feel like Space Dandy is an anime that got under most peoples radar. And its a shame tbh because its easily one of the best shows Ive ever watched and heres why: Now let me start off by saying that this anime isnt for everyone as it is very episodic and some episodes have absolutely 0 connection to each other. But if you watched Samurai Champloo or Cowboy Bebop that shouldnt be a problem for you. Because Im not a fan of reviews that just sum up the entire plot of the show Ill keep it short: Space Dandy is about a dandy guy in space whose job is to capture rare aliens for reward money. He visits different planets together with his robot companion QT and a catlike creature called Meow. Actually its Mymyamo but nobody really cares. Well the problem is they rarely succeed in actually capturing an alien and when they do something almost always goes wrong. The way each and every planet has a totally unique atmosphere and most of the time they dont even know what theyll find when landing on a new planet is what makes it interesting. Now because its very episodic the anime can start fresh each episode without having to explain much so it almost never gets boring. I honestly cant remember a single actual boring episode. The art and animation is one of the best Ive ever seen only second to Redline. Some episodes have a completely unique look and feel to them and combined with the amazing animation its just a piece of art: 520https://c.tenor.com/0VH3u08Ut4AAAAd/spacedandyanime.gif 520https://c.tenor.com/T65hVEachGQAAAAd/spacedandyanime.gif 520https://64.media.tumblr.com/49cb4e8c875b9db95c834579b7600aea/tumblrnaycirgFPh1tiilbdo3640.gifv The music also doesnt disappoint quite the opposite actually. The opening and ending is a banger and some of the OSTs like Lonely Nights are so good I actually listen to them outside of the anime. The characters are also great. Dandy is a genuinely cool guy that Id love to hang out with irl. Character development is on point and the side characters also dont lack in personality and of course I cant forget the best thing about the anime: the dub. Damn its good probably the best dub Ive ever had the pleasure of hearing. Dandy has such a memorable voice that perfectly fits his character and the robots VA is using autotune its actually hilarious. Now you might have noticed that I havent mentioned a single bad thing about Space Dandy and thats just because I cant come up with anything even if I wanted to. Its one of those shows thats pretty much perfect but not quite and I honestly cant make out what it is exactly. Still its an amazing anime nontheless and one that Id absolutely recommend if you want to take a break from the mediocrity that gets produced every month nowadays.
95 /100
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