Honestly I did not ever expected this to get a second season not to say it was bad but its not one of those anime that really stands out. Its not a anime like food wars where its really engaging and over the top with its food scene. This is a more comfortable level of just enjoying people enjoy food. So if you want something more relaxing and comfort food and one you can watch without headphones on lol.... this is for you. Sorry Im not bashing on Food Wars I enjoy that as well. But fans of Food Wars you know what I mean no shame in watching it. This second season doesnt really change much from the first beside just introducing us to a few new characters. It has the simple idea of if it aint broken dont fix it. Since it is what works for it and it keeps going at it in that simple form. And you know what it works its enjoyable and relaxing. Sure its not for everyone and if you didnt enjoy season 1 well I dont know why you would watch season 2 honestly. But for those who loved season 1 season 2 is like desert after the main course. Though it does progress some character arc from the first season. So to spoil it we do get a romance plot squeeze into this anime within the final few episodes. I wasnt sure if they were going to do anything with it but I was really honestly glad to see such a sweet proposal moment and a more comedic moment at the very last episode as well. So for fans of season 1 youre in for a treat to just kick back and relax and consume this anime with a simple smile. It is a simple relaxing SOL to really just not think too much about and enjoy. Once again with its beautiful visual of food and just the same cast again which I really enjoy each of the characters. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and though its not one that will standout it is one thats just always there for anyone who just wants something more simple. And sometimes I forget this is even a Isekai lol... Also that origin story was pretty sweet I still ship Tenshu and Aletta but thats just me personally. Aletta is just Sunshine and Kuro is a pretty dragon Well see if we get a season 3... but this was a nice treat to end the Year of 2021 Fall anime as this year has so many great its nice to have a comfort anime in there. So lets end this review with have a great day and depending on when you read this since Im posting it today on Dec 17th have a great Holiday and enjoy your time with friend and family with good food and stay warm people. Until we meet again take care of yourself and enjoy your day and the rest of your week.
80 /100
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