Game adaptations or game advertisement anime have always been a mixed bag. Whether its terrible plot writing boring worlds or obvious pandering game adaptations always are met with skepticism. However Arknights: Prelude to Dawn is an example of one done with passion and love for the source material. I havent played Arknights myself but I would imagine many Arknights players would be satisfied with this adaptation and loved how their favourite characters came to life. Of course that isnt to say that the entire eight episode run was flawless as I did find a few parts rather heavy on exposition and a bit boring but overall it was quite a treat to watch and one of the better shows to come out this season in my opinion. STORY: The story wasnt particularly unique as these types of dystopian stories with diseases ravaging the population isnt anything new. We see these stories in Hollywood movies all the time. That said the world in Arknights is decently built with different organizations having different morals surrounding Oripathy and the treatment of the Infected. It would have done even better with just a bit more exposition but what we got was quite sufficient. Obviously this part of the story was probably the weakest part of the game if I was to venture a guess and that makes me all the more excited for whats to come if there are future seasons in the works. ART: It has a very cinematic feel especially at the start. It felt vastly different to the anime I was used to watching but slowly eased its way back to a more anime style. I really enjoyed the backgrounds and some of the fight scenes and I thought the overall production was quite solid. Props to Yostar Pictures for doing quite the phenomenal job here. MUSIC: The OP and ED are quite fitting for the show and its darker themes and the soundtrack itself is decent but the music doesnt get overplayed that it covers the eerieness of some of the scenes. CHARACTERS: The overall setup of the characters and their respective organizations was good and some of the characters do stand out quite a bit. Amiya is your typical protagonist that tries to keep peace between the organizations the doctor is a very good leader in battle not necessarily someone Id see as a selfinsert especially with how he/she is portrayed. ENJOYMENT: My thoughts for this was pretty consistently positive with just one episode that was a bit underwhelming. I enjoyed it for the most part for sure. The production was good and the world building was quite intriguing to see. THEMATIC EXECUTION: The dark themes were actually done quite well along with the whole idea of discriminating against the Infected along with the moral ambiguity. You feel for each side to a certain extent which was certainly the goal here. OVERALL: A solid job by Yostar Pictures and an adaptation that inspires hope if there are indeed future seasons of this which I would wholeheartedly want to see. It was a good starting point that has some interesting ideas going for it. Id love to know how Arknights players thought of this but even as someone who knew nothing about this game beforehand I can definitely say that Im intrigued now.
80 /100
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