I think I should make it clear right off the bat that I am not a fan of Stone Ocean. and if you want to read a positive take on this story click off now The manga was a jumbled mess of incoherently plotted fights with nothing burger characters tacked off by a everyone is le here climax that lacks any of the emotional pathos that any of the previous parts had. Add in bullshit retcons with Dio and his heaven plan along with his 3 inbred children and I simply find it very hard to care about anything that happens. One may then ask why did you even watch it? and it was because my friends thought itd be funny to laugh at. In truth there were some very funny screen caps. Here are a couple of my favorites. 220https://i.ur.com/Qhab2iX.png 220https://i.yt.com/vi/OP2Zlyo3woI/hqdefault.jpg 220https://i.yt.com/vi/FhKMqObUf3M/maxresdefault.jpg I know the last one is an edit but you get the idea Its also funny to see how much of a downgrade the David Pro staff gave to this adaptation in comparison to the previous parts. Both DIU and VA have amazing art direction that make you go damn they gave a fuck with very limited use of CG elements with added moments where some sakuga artist was given the time to create something special like this scene from part 5 https://www.sakugabooru.com/data/fcd14ff6a07a4535c4c512c71552f73b.mp4 Now there are moments where SO looks really good and I applaud them for their effort https://www.sakugabooru.com/data/f0c9234a0d1199b0e626d6479ec756cf.mp4 But more often than not abhorrent use of CG that clashes with the hand drawn elements that make it look like that one scene from ExArm lifeless redrawing of Arakis wonderful art style that are animated like robots uncannily recreated drawings of Arakis more inbred designs with individually drawn teeth like old design for Sonic the Hedgehog in his first theatrical appearance as well as just a questionable faithfulness in the directing to Arakis paneling that works so much better in the comic format thing happens cut to everyones reaction pacing grinds to a halt random exposition next thing happens which is apparent in how a character that is supposed to be moving at the speed of light randomly stops to talk about some dumb retconned heaven plan or whatever Im definitely in the minority with my opinion go ahead click that dislike button but I hope that some of you can understand why this part is so polarizing for some as well as why this adaptation has gotten plenty of scrutiny from a part of the fanbase. But if you enjoyed it more power to you. I just didnt really like it at all.
20 /100
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