To Your Eternity is known to many for its methodical slowpaced story of Fushis growth and the despair he faced throughout his life. Unfortunately Season 1 sputtered to a conclusion following an underwhelming final arc around the events of Jananda which was more action oriented and less gripping overall. Season 2 of To Your Eternity literally follows in the footsteps of that arc as it continued to sputter through quite an underwhelming story that has lost most of its original charm of slow paced storytelling. The new characters introduced are okay at best with some being decent and some being downright awful. The pacing is fast like an action story which in my opinion is not what To Your Eternitys charm ever was. It felt like a bunch of ideas mashed together and it felt like the author ran out of ideas now that Fushi is basically just a normal human being now albeit with worldchanging powers. The plot this season was quite a mess to put it lightly. Season 1 was an emotional roller coaster this season lacked most of those charms and left me baffled at some of the writing decisions that potentially even took away from the emotional moments that we witnessed from Season 1. The timeskips are jarring the pacing is zooming and with that I wasnt nearly as invested. Fushi learning how to speak was interesting but him getting every single overpowered skill known to mankind enough to become an isekai protagonist now thats pushing it. With this type of shift its only fitting that the entire season felt way more action oriented and was less focused on what made Season 1 great which was the emotional buildup and world building. Perhaps a reason why the world building felt markedly weaker this season was also a product of the animation this season headed by Studio Drive a lesser known studio compared to the likes of Brains Base. The backgrounds felt very static if you catch my drift. Very watered down compared to some of the shots that Season 1 provided. Music wise nothing to write home about either and as much as I like Pink Blood the OP the fact that they reused it is so uninspiring. Id much rather have heard an inferior OP to it than seeing it reused. The soundtrack was also quite forgettable. Another huge drop off was the quality of the characters none of which elicited any emotion out of me. Fushi being all grown up now just does not have any meaningful qualities anymore besides containing the numerous vessels of presumedly dead characters from Season 1. He gets all these powers hes like God but this isnt the Bible were reading here so being overpowered doesnt mean a thing to me. A new addition to the cast is Bonchien Nikolai La Tastypeach Uralys nice name I know and I will admit I liked him and his mannerisms but as the series went along his energy virtually disappeared and so did my interest in his character who felt so useless to the story. A character that frustrated me a lot was Kahaku a descendant of Hayase who inherited every single creepy gene who felt like a manipulative weirdo trying to form Fushis vision of things into a way that benefits his obsession with him. The difference between Kahaku and Hayase seems to be only at a biological level their gender. The relationships overall in this show befuddle me because I dont see how the sexual orientation of Kahaku matters why let heteronormativity reign? Have some gall and just jump down the same path as Hayase did regardless of what gender Fushi is assuming. Simply put To Your Eternity has gone in a completely different direction and it hasnt worked out in virtually every aspect. It feels like an anime that has lost its identity and is trying so hard to find one but its constantly stuck in a limbo of deciding whether it wants to be slow paced fast paced emotional or epic. There were definitely a few enjoyable episodes here and there and the effort was there at times but overall it just wasnt all that great inheriting all the problems that the second half of Season 1 had and then some.
48 /100
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