If there was ever an argument for minireviews existing in this site Popotan would be a really good reason. There isnt enough for 2200 characters here because there wasnt enough for 12 eps of this show. But much like Popotan forgets about what it was trying to do and stretches itself as loooooong as possible so will I TLDR this anime is extremely boring and pointless and there isnt really anything to gain by watching it other than mindless ecchi and even that kinda sucks This is bad but it isnt bad in a funny or shocking or interesting way its boring bad. It doesnt really do anything right but it also doesnt do anything terribly wrong it has characters that can be described but dont really ever go too deepor are that interesting it has a cool concept which it seems to always fail at doing something interesting with Popotan is about 4 girls who live in a christmas themed house collect magic from dandellions magic which I dont think was ever used and at random intervals get teleported alongside the house across spacetime time usually being a few years and space meaning like 3 meters to the right where the house always was. The girls dont age and they are always forced to abandon any friend they made when the house teleports This is a concept that would make for a great short OVA or movie. Meeting someone that changes your life or you change theirs disappearing and then seeing how they or their family is doing 30 years later its insanely bittersweet on paper its something that you dont really need much effort to make emotional or interesting. But Popotan fails at even that I think the biggest thing holding Popotan back is a lack of direction if the show knew where it wanted to go or what it wanted to do it could be an EXTREMELY good short anime. But one episode youll have a pretty serious moment with Mai the next is purely ecchi then Keith appears and has sex with Ai I guess? And we just forget about that kid Ai met? And the maid was there too I guess?? Its hard to put it into words but it really feels like Popotan is 3 or 4 different animes with the same base concept trying to fight for dominance and in the end you just never know what to think of the show since the show doesnt know what to think of itself Basically the pieces for a great anime are there but Popotan is constantly building 5 different things with them instead of just 1 so you end up with a bunch of unfinished and unsatisfying versions of the show instead of well a good show. It really doesnt help that out of all characters Mai seems to get the most focus out of everyone since out of the 4 girls shes by far the least interesting and least likeable one in fact the original summary of this review was going to be this had exactly one good episode that episode being episode 3 which focuses almost entirely on Mii and a friend she made at a hospital Also this was the only instance where the dandellion magic did anything. The show could have benefited a LOT more if it had more episodes like that if it was more episodic and had characters meet up and revisited 30 years later which is something the show does twice The first one is completely wasted and the second one is a revisit of a Mai episode where nothing happened Maybe thats the real takeaway of it all that Popotan just wasted any opportunity it gets to be good. Just go read the VN its probably better than this or go watch something else because I dont know if the VN can really fix a lot of the fundamental flaws of the show which I wont go into because I wanted to keep this as vague and spoiler free as possible This review was proofread exactly 0 times
40 /100
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