Ill start off by saying that this is a criminally underpopular manga even though it belongs in the sports genre and generally sports anime/manga are more on the popular side. Ive personally never seen or cared for Baseball and the only reason I decided to read this is because of two things. 1. I found the name One outs extremely cool I mean it definitely is a cool name for a series 2. I was interested in the Main character. Now on to the review Enter Tokuchi Toua One of THE MOST cunning and psychotic protagonists Ive ever seen in anime/manga. Ill put him right up there alongwith Madara Uchiha Johan Liebert and Sosuke Aizen. It wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that Tokuchi literally carries this whole manga. The entire manga is based around mind games and high stakes stuff which gets so complex and abysmal that at times youll go back and reread paragraphs just to confirm the insanity of what the author is planning. I wont spoil anything but how the author has managed to make a clever yet resonably realistic protagonist is deserving of praise. He is crazy and he basically makes a fool out of everyone all while chilling Thats an accurate description for the protagonist lol. The art for this manga is probably the only negatives or the aspects which I wasnt a fan of. It certainly does its job and conveys emotions but at times it really feels lacking which is unfortunate because as clever as the manga is and the rest of the stuff the art is actually not that great but it does the job. It does get better as the story progresses though. All in all This is a manga that makes you rack your brain for stuff and excites you and at times even subverts your expectations as to what will happen before the protagonist does something outlandish and fools you the reader. Keep in mind the main highlight of this manga is the Clever protagonist and mind games high stakes stuff. Baseball is just an added bonus. Personally Im a real fan of stuff that makes you actively think and engage so this was very enjoyable for me even though Im not that smart. Sometimes stuff gets overly complex and it surprisingly involves a lot of maths lol I hate maths but the author dumbs down his explanations to make them easier to understand aswell. If youre a fan of baseball then you can check this out but it truly shines in the psychological stuff so if youre a fan of that then youll love this. It was an enjoyable and worthwhile read and Tokuchu Toua has no doubt become a part of my evergrowing list of all time favourite characters. Even if you dont know a thing about baseball like me then youll actually end up learning alot about it like how I did and its actually really educative and clever. This manga taught me an important lesson that its better to work smarter rather than just working harder which one can apply in their life aswell. It isnt a masterpiece but its pretty damn good 9/10. Thanks for reading Have a cookie ?
90 /100
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