This anime is bad. Thats the long and the short of of it. Its just bad. Spoiler free review with some spoilers marked in spoiler boxes Summoned to Another World for a Second Time has a simple premise: that being that this is the second time the hero Setsu has been summoned to this world. In theory this opens up the door for a lot of depth. Perhaps the hero knows too much and the mystery becomes how does he? Or maybe he does things differently and uses his prior knowledge for villainy. Or what if he just laid low and hid in the shadows waiting for the optimal time to make his triumphant return? This anime does none of that. It doesnt even do bad time travel. Instead theres just a 5year time gap between the first and second times Setsu was summoned. Also Setsu reveals himself basically immediately as the former hero and thats that. He just picks up where he left off 5 years ago. The entire premise is wasted and only exclusively as a cheap excuse to introduce characters with no depth or backstory that instantly trust Setsu because he met them last time he was summoned. Its just used as a lazy hand wave to promote disgustingly bad writing and horribly cliche tropes. So lets talk about the story: Its terrible. Its cliche. It has zero depth. Setsu just aimlessly wanders for a bunch of episodes and then the final battle happens. Thats basically it. Sure he was gathering allies but thats really just window dressing. There is so little content that actually happens that Im surprised they managed to stretch it out to 12 episodes. I could summarize the entire anime in one paragraph and you wouldnt miss a thing. In fact lets try it That was less than 250 words and that summarized every important plot point in the show. Thats just sad. Overall Its like they tried to write the most generic boxstandard isekai plot of all time. Its legitimately hard to be more generic than this. So what about the characters? The first problem is there are too many. Almost every episode for the first like 9ish episodes they introduce at least one new character that Setsu allegedly met the first time around. None of these characters have any depth and most disappear basically immediately afterwards only to reappear for the final battle. The one exception is Levia who becomes the defacto second main character by virtue of having the secondmost screentime of any character but even she has basically nothing going for her to make her any sort of dynamic character. Its not surprising that a short 12 episode anime has no meaningful character development but this is exasperated by the fact that there are too many characters so none of them even get enough screentime to do anything interesting. Animation? Animation was average Id say for a modern anime however I want to specifically point out the fight scenes which are so bad that they look like they were choreographed by a 6 year old playing with action figures. None of the fights have any impact or weight to them except maybe MAYBE the final fight. Can we at least like the music? Eh the op was a generic shounen that reminded me of My Instant Death Ability is Overpowered but worse and the ending was extremely out of place hyper and just so generic. None of the background tracks were that amazing and in fact I dont recall any of them. Basically the music was dull and extremely unremarkable or memorable. But thats an opinion about music so thats usually pretty subjective. Maybe youll like the music.
22 /100
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