Drama. Soap Opera. The main focus is on the romantic occurrences of the main cast specifically the love triangle that features the main character as the center. KimiNozo provides a lot of situations that require deliberation on the part of the viewer. If an average person is put into a difficult situation and makes poor choices does that make them a bad person? Complicated ethical debate is part of the viewing experience. Many of the characters actions tend to fall into moral grey areas. Sorting out who is right and wrong if their is a villain to cast the blame on is a task left to the viewer. The portrayal of both women and men in the series can be very frustrating. Character logic is sometimes tossed aside in order to create and further dramatic developments. While our main trio is always punished and suffers for their missteps a few side characters seem to be invincible. The comic relief characters are too happy go lucky to fit in the series naturally and a male side characters reprehensible actions seem to be forgotten or accepted. The series can be hard to follow at times. Episodes skip back and forth through several years of time without any major indicators. A high school uniform is pretty explanatory but one year after high school or three years after who knows? The series predominant focus is three years after high school. The animation varies between poor and minimal but combined with the content of the show fits really well. It is a lowbrow soap opera and it never tries to be anything else. The show is filled with a unique kind of fanservice call it dramaservice. Fanservice in the traditional sense is almost nonexistent. There is nudity and sex scenes but they are central to the plot and very nonerotic. The most important part is that the drama is JUICY. That is what we are all here for right? Holding your head in your hands squirming in your chair screaming at the screen convincing yourself its not worth crying over and lying in bed all night trying to make sense of what all happened. Art. Animation. Characters. Plot. Sound/Music. Every gradable metric turns up a poor score but the series has a hidden merit that will see it be a riveting experience for some viewers. Anime viewers often hold the belief that bad shows can only be enjoyed ironically. Kimi ga Nozomu Eien exists in defiance of this principle and while you groan at the poor dialogue and shallow characters you might accidentally be swept away by the hard hitting and well timed dramatic events. In a word: dramaservice.
50 /100
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