This review will contain Spoilers for the show Katsute its alright I suppose. But far from being a good show. SPOILER AHEAD STORY: The story is about the incarnates a group of humans who can turn to ruthless killing beasts. They were used in the war to gain a massive advantage over the enemy with their puny all human armies. Though after a while these mutated humans started loosing their humanity and became beasts with only killing in their head. Hank made an oath that after an incarnate loses their humanity only another incarnate should kill them and now he goes aroung the world looking for him fallen comrades and tries to kill them. He kills Will Bancroft which due to this his daughter Nancy Schaal Bancroft follows Hank to learn why he does these things. The rest of the story is about how all of these beasts once were caring humans with passion and goals but now turned bat shit insane due to these powers. We get to see their backstories and just how much they cared for their nation during the war. It does manage to pull on some emotional strings but only sometimes. Most of the time we see a beast killing everyone because My JUsTice ShAlL pREvaiL which really doesnt make me want to sympathise with them at all. I think the best example of me feeling sympathy for one of them was with Trice the singer she didnt do anything wrong as a incarnate. Yes of course she did kill in the battlefield but so did the other human soldiers. After the war she hid from everyone not even harming a soul. The ending showed us just how insance things can get if there is no reason in someone. All in all the story was alright it did bore me a solid 75 of the time but they did manage to sprinkle in some action comedy and fights that had me on interested for a while. It just that it all felt so generic and cliche at times. I could predict most of the plot. If they just worked on it a tad bit more and sprinkled in some more interesting points than just Kill the beasts that wouldve been a lot more better. 420 CHARACTERS: In Katsute we have 2 main characters. Hank and Schaal. They inseperable duo. Of course there is also Claude and Liza which have as much screen time as Hank and Schaal. Hank He was the leader of the incarnate squad. He made an oath to kill all the incarnates when they were about to lose their humanity. He is very calm and composed but at times like when he feels like he is about to lose something precious to him he can go insane. Schaal At first she wanted to get revenge on Hank for what he did to her father but soon enough she realized that this must be done though she wants to learn more about the incarnates and potentionally help them. She at first was quite scared of all of this but over time got used to it and now moves forward with pride. Claude The younger brother of Cain. He wants to eliminate Cain becuase he betrayed the nation. He is very set on this. Liza Most of the time she is just there for comic relief or to be fan servicing she got the tig bitties. When the situation arises she will be much more serious and in control of things. Cain I have to talk about the main villain the traitor. He is the pinnacle of insanity. Imagine Tsukasa for Dr. STONE but now turn it to 11. He just wants to conquere. He believes humans are also cruel beasts especially during the last fight. 420 ART/ANIMATION: The art style is alright it gives off an old feeling. The animation is rough around the edges most of the time. It can be fluid and nice to look at but thats not very common for this show even during fight scenes there were scenes which were just either stills or 2 frames on loop. 420 MUSIC: The OP is actually really catchy I found myself listening to it more than once when not watching the show. Its quite a bop. The ED is more chill and thats allright and all but the OP just destroys it. Though thats nearly always the case. 420 OVERALL OPINION: Katsute has an interesting plot and characters but doesnt really managed to capture my interest as much as I said before the story felt really generic and cliche I just sat there thinking alright shes gonna go to him and say this which will boost his spirits. The fights scenes were lazily done most of the time. The characters were interesting though I cant really say anything bad about that.
36 /100
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