There are anime that people say that you have to turn off your brain to watch. While Im not a fan of the term Mirai Nikki is the ultimate example of the turn off your brain anime. The anime is edgy not at all coherent and most of all fun and exciting to watch. If you tune in expecting to watch a gripping thriller or just something good Mirai Nikki isnt for you. But if youre watching because you want something silly to watch Mirai Nikki is right up your alley. 1000 Mirai Nikki is a battle royale anime themed around future diaries. Each contestant in the battleroyale has a diary that can tell certain parts of the future. The main character Yukiteru Amano has a Random Diary which tells him random events in the future. Yuno Gasai his stalker and protector has a diary that tells the future of Yukiteru. As with any battle royale game the winner is the last person alive the prize of winning being becoming a god. I have many complaints about Mirai Nikki. With any anime that has timemanipulation as a plot point plot holes are abundant. Mirai Nikki has more of them than the eye can see. It also has an ending that seems to be going on forever. Seriously its so long. I cant help but think the ending was inspired by Evangelion. It wouldnt be the only thing that makes it similar to Evangelion. Yukiteiru is very similar personalitywise to Shinji. Akise Aru a side character is similar personalitywise to Kaworu. He even looks like him as well If they wanted to have this anime viewed similarly as Evangelion then they failed completely. Mirai Nikki is a popular anime with it being the 25th most popular anime on Anilist but theres nothing worth remembering about it except for Yuno herself. Shes the most popular yandere character that I can think of so at least they did something even if thats not what they were going for. 1000 Speaking of Yuno the most disgusting thing about this anime is the fact that it often conforms to the belief that she is the only one there for Yukiteiru. While I know this is the modus operandi for most controlling people the fact that the anime seems to go along with this is genuinely disturbing. While its not always this way it happens enough to be to have to write this. The second most disgusting thing is that the characters never change their outfit. With all of that being said the one reason for watching Mirai Nikki is because its fun. The sheer insanity of it is worth the watch itself. Youll probably find it bad but it isnt the type of bad that will piss you off or detract you from finishing it most likely. Its the same type of bad that you get from action movies with little plot. Mirai Nikki is a perfect anime to have a watch party with itll surely entertain everyone watching. And honestly isnt entertainment what you want from an anime? Well the entertainment that Mirai Nikki may provide you is more of the laughing at type of entertainment but the point somewhat stands. Mirai Nikki may be a lot of things but boring isnt one of them. 1000 Mirai Nikki is probably one of the dumbest anime that Ive ever watched. Thats saying something considered all of the dumb anime out there. What Mirai Nikki has that others dont is entertainment value. Youre bound to be entertained with all of the crazy and stupid twists and turn this anime has out there to offer. Is it good? No. Does it have a million plot holes? Yes. Is it fun to watch? Also yes.
55 /100
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