Here it is. My absolute favorite anime/manga series Rosario + Vampire. Ive seen this show beginning to end MANY times and a lot of my friends are confused about why such a low rated anime sits so high on my list Average score of only 63/100? Ouch. Here are a few reasons why. Tsukune Aono: In absolutely any other anime this character would be my least favorite and most hated on character ever. Hes generic forgettable and lacks any defining character traits other than being good . However there is a method to their madness. Tsukune isnt what the viewers are here for its a harem anime. Were here for the BABES. Accepting this and getting this character to the sidelines as quickly as possible while still being understood by the viewer is one of the most important tasks they had in ensuring the focus is on the women. Selfinsert and get over it. This doesnt apply to manga Tsukune 220 The Babes: THIS is what we are here for. Honestly I was satisfied with the selection of waifus avaliable to me in this harem Of course Inner Moka is the clear winner but still. All of the girls have at least a serviceable reason for being attached at the hip to Tsukune your OC. The only one I have a problem with personally is the little witch girl. Should be pretty obvious why. 220 Moka Akashiya: I love this character. Definitely steals the show and gets the most love from the writing department. A lot of the drama is only high school level lovers quarrels but I feel that the cream of the crop of that is the drama involving Moka Inner and Outer. The dynamic of 2 personalities in one body isnt something Ive seen before in a harem and although this isnt the place to find any SteinsGate tier analysis of the idea it is interesting in the show. Also Inner Moka is definitely the best waifu in the show AND the manga. I loved both her depictions and I will continue to announce loud and proud that Inner Moka is most definitely the best girl. 220 Animation and Music: Animation in this show is pretty good. They effectively communicate the power of Mokas kicks and the weightiness of the female ensembles breasts. The backdrops are pretty good too they feel perfectly in place with the horror charm of Yokai Academy. The music and sound design of the show is good as well. Ill admit though after 7 total viewings of the anime its begun to wear down on me. I wish there was more of the violin pieces. Conclusion: Lets be honest here. Objectively this show cant hold a candle to any show with intelligent writing worth its salt. However Ive never seen anything like it. This show is funny and the charm shines through even in the anime which is just fan service filler because they could never cram 120 something chapters of the manga into this show. If your looking for lighthearted harem comedy this is probably the best it gets. I watched this show as a lonely depressed and horny high school freshman and I can still laugh at it as an adult. Theres definitely some heavy nostalgia bias involved but not the kind where I cant watch it to avoid changing my opinion. I hope theres someone else who knows what Im talking about.
95 /100
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