A quick isekai villainess romp with plenty of tantalizing details to hint at more. I Became a Villainess is a standard setup: our heroine gets isekaied by Truckkun and wakes up as the villainess Erika in her favorite otome game. The god of that world has in his rush to advance the world further replayed the same period of time over and over again until bugs appeared... and even though the villainess Erika was crucial to the worlds development she unexpectedly committed suicide. Her soul being too damaged to bring back to life the god decides to reincarnate our MC who has played the game endlessly and have her play Erikas role to the end while correcting the course of the world from the emerging discrepancies. This story hits several core reincarnated into the world of an otomege as the villainess tropes but subverts them just enough to be interesting. Truckkun will never be old. Im also ok with random member of the pantheon did this because its an answer to why this happened even if its not a very strong or thorough one. There are a few more I would like to discuss in more detail. 1. The Heroine as the Villain This is a really common trope in villainess isekai where the heroine is actually evil because reasons... or you know because the writer said so. This story does play to the heroine being evil and calculating. To some extent the conclusion of this arc is very satisfying. It excuses nothing and the consequences arent the result of condemnation or anger but simply the fallout of doing what had to be done. I appreciate that touch of realism. 2. The Male Lead I really appreciate that the ML does not come to the rescue in this story. He is not her savior. He is not the grease on her social wheel. He doesnt serve as protection and in fact causes her trouble the more he involves himself. HOWEVER because this story is good at using its howevers I appreciate how hes willing to hear the MC out when she tells him about the game and knowing whats going to happen in the world. I appreciate that he is willing to scheme with her to accomplish her goals. I like that the male lead is genuinely the side character for once instead of being a knight in shining armor. His position in the overall story is also a bit different from the typical choice of male lead and I appreciate the subtle way it characterizes him. Aside from these three characters there are two female side characters who get a wee bit of attention but not much. I think this author knew from the beginning that the mangas run would be short and Im actually disappointed about that. Theres so much world building in the background that I thought for sure there was a light novel behind it all but that doesnt seem to be the case. Im actually disappointed about that. The last little bit to talk about is the art. Personal opinion its was very standard. Not especially standout but lovely all the same. There were occasional panels that struck me as quite emotive and brilliant but on the whole it was the better end of average. Overall I approve of this work. Its a fun sevenchapter romp that plays to some tropes while cunningly subverting others and then the author leaves you panting after more I can practically see the smirk on their face. The characterization is consistent and wellreasoned the plot while clearly cut short leaves plenty of room for imagination and more and the art is pleasing enough. If you have a couple of hours I would certainly recommend it.
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