Konosuba is a show for when you wanna turn your brain off and stare at anime girls doing.... wait... What were they doing? What is even the point of this show? The 30 that I gave the show is solely because of the somewhat interesting antagonists and the decent animation and art style. I despise this show for 4 reasons: Reason 1 : Plot. What plot? There is no plot The closest thing to an overarching storyline is Defeat the Devil King. If this is the plot why does the entire anime seem like a getoutofdebt simulator? Theres not a single major plot point in all 26 episodes. The only minor plot points I remember are the mildly interesting villains: headless dude the masked dude the poison dude and the thief teaching Kazuma to steal panties Reason 2 : Comedy. Episode 1 was the only episode that actually made me laugh. Every single joke since then seemed lame and repetitive. The most any joke got out of me was a snort. Idk how else to describe it but for a comedy anime its just BAD. Reason 3 : Characters. I can confidently say that theres not a single interesting character in the entire series. It feels like the only purpose of each character is to perform one repetitive joke ie. Aqua: debt Megumin: Explosions Darkness: Horny masochist Kazuma: panty stealing. Theres close to no character development and none of them have much personality. You know how Naruto fans all hate/hated Sakura? Now imagine your entire anime is based around a terrorist Sakura a masochistic Sakura a broke Sakura and one of those useless toads Naruto always summons. Thats Konosuba. Theres also so many forgettable side characters like thicc Lich the dude with the magic sword and most importantly the thief who taught Kazuma how to steal panties. Reason 4 final reason : Target demographic. In itself this isnt a bad thing but it feels like this show is so confused about who its targeting that it ends up not targeting any demographic at all. So tbh Konosuba feels like it was made for children. The plot is overly simple the humour is dry and repetitive and theres no emotional points/gore/deaths. Theres nothing wrong with that. Theres lots of fun kidfriendly shows. So why all the sex jokes/ fanservice/ inappropriate stuff? Theres so many random inyourface sex jokes. WHY? They couldve embraced either side... They could remove all the random innapropriateness or they could add an interesting plot/add emotional points and it would be so much better. In the end Im not telling you not to watch the show. Watch the beginning and if you like it then continue watching otherwise drop it. The show is definitely enjoyable and lighthearted. Its just that the comedy isnt tasteful or subtle enough to appeal to me. From a technical critical standpoint its a failure but the enjoyment factor isnt completely lost.
30 /100
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