Fubuki Shirakami

白上フブキ, Kurokami, Cat, Fox, Scatman, Friend, FBK
Birth:Oct 5
Years active:2018-Present
Height: 155 cm Fanbase name: Sukonbu Illustrator: Mito Nagashirohttps://anilist.co/staff/134537/ Profile hololivehttps://en.hololive.tv/portfolio/items/433587 YouTubehttps://www..com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg Twitterhttps://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki Bilibilihttps://space.bilibili.com/332704117/ Foxy day to you Im Shirakami Fubuki A white haired kemomimi animaleared highschool student. Although she is shy and mostly calm she likes to talk to people. She would be very happy if you pay attention to her. Shirakami Fubuki is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber endorsed by Hololive Production. Part of the first generation wave of Hololive and is also a part of hololive GAMERS.