Review contains spoilers. This review will only cover this particular season alone and will not include Battle In Egypt. For Battle in Egypt review link For the lazy readers there will be a summary verdict at the end of the review. Ah Stardust Crusaders the most memed and popular part. Moving on from Part 1 and 2 and taking on a new level of bizarre adventure. But just because it is the most popular doesnt make it the best part. Now I dont wanna make this a onesided review so I am going to divide into the good and the bad. 400 POSITIVES: Introduction of Stands: I am sure most of the people started JJBA just for the Stands and perhaps even skipped Part 1 2 for it If you skipped parts I will find who you are and where you live. Stands are a unique concept which I havent seen before. It kind of reminds me of Pokemon except here Stands are just psychical manifestation of your soul. Joseph Characters: Every squad got the Mr. Too Much Energy quiet kid clown milf and . Joseph is still energetic as before Polnareff is a very fun character Avdol is just YES I AM Kakyoin is Donut and Jotaro is someone some people may not like much due to his boring character. OST: The OST is very good in this part the music choice for OP and ED suits very well. The character themes suit the characters very good too Jotaros theme playing as Jotaro critically injures and breaks every bone of a grown man for 3 pages gives a good feeling of satisfaction. 400 NEGATIVES: Stand Fights/Pacing: Most of the Stand Fights have little to no effect on the story at all. During this entire season out of the 24 eps around 20 eps are spent fighting these Agents of DIO who try to stop the crusaders but ofcourse they get beaten to pulp at the end of each episode. Watching the Crusaders battle these agents in every episode with some fights extending to 2 eps just gets tedious and boring. The only fights which actually had a significant affect on Story were J. Geil/Hol Horse Enya the Hag and Cameo fights. Antagonists: Except the few mentioned above the other Antagonists are so forgettable to the point that when you meet them constantly it just becomes yay look another Stand User cant wait for the Crusaders to take the entire episode to defeat them then move on their way. Episodes: Now this might be biased but when I was watching SC I had no idea Battle In Egypt season existed so when I saw just 4 eps remaining I thought huh so I guess they fight DIO in these eps 2 eps remaining Well do they fight him now? season ends w h a t. In short I was disappointed when I found out there was another season filled with another 24 eps just to fight DIO. This is something the OVAs did right as they were able to fit all of Stardust Crusaders in just 13 episodes in total though the eps were 30 mins long so I guess it makes up for it. 400 In short if I were to summarize Stardust Crusaders introduced some good concepts but they were executed very poorly. The Stand Fights were so disappointing mentioned in above points that I wished they kept Hamon and preferred Hamon over Stands. It had good characters and story but the length of the part with tedious pacing made it very lack lusting. In the future reviews I will mention what Diamond is Unbreakable did right which Stardust Crusaders did wrong. And just as the title suggests I totally expect this review to be controversial.
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