400https://i.ur.com/oGIZumr.gif Ive ran out of creative subtitles plz send help So this day was pretty interesting. At school we had to do a test called ECDL test or European Computer Driving Licence test. It has a lot of different topics that you need to pass before you can get this license. And Excel is one of them. We were doing this particular test and it was really easy. Like REALLY fucking easy. I was done in about 1013 minutes. Then my classmate 2 seats away from me asks about the answers. We were writing the same test so I helped him. I ended up doing the whole test twice just to help him lmao. And after the lesson was over I look out the window and I see a fucking pigeon just making a leap of faith. It literally plummeted into the ground and got up about 5 minutes later somehow. I was laughing like some retard the whole time. This was literally the most interesting part of school lmao. When I got home I literally just straight went to eat because I was so hungry and then just sat down to do my homework. And we have now where after 30 minutes Im finally able to finish writing this. Damn Discord makin me distracted all the time. Anyways its the 9th day so another question Heres my 3rd question: When youre not watching anime what do you like to do the most? Thats it for this day good night AniList And once again a huge thank you to all of you whove wished me a happy birthday. Have some waifus: 130https://media.giphy.com/media/a6pzK009rlCak/giphy.gif 240https://66.media.tumblr.com/8608e265e377171e7c3779e49322572a/tumblro2oqmtB1cI1tyak95o3r1500.gif 240https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShadyIdleHarpsealsizerestricted.gif 123https://4.bp.blogspot.com/wBDXUbAiLl8/VX7mcv8ny9I/AAAAAAAAA7o/XWahFTqYs/s1600/haruka.gif Next post Previous Post