400https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4851/318007323684a98bfce0do.gif 57https://i.ur.com/4Ao1Ucm.gif Back to nonspook Well hello there fellow anime watcher person. I am Kex the male human that watches anime. Just like you. And heres my day. About 10AM: Woke up got my clothes on had breakfast. Then I went outside to help dad with this and that and basically that was my morning. Afternoon I played a ton of osu and some CS with some friends. At about 16:00 we went to the local graveyard with my parents. This is a custom here in Hungary and its in place of Halloween. We place candles and flowers on our dead relatives graves. I dont really see any point in doing so but I go along with this custom anyways. In terms of anime I havent watched anything. Again. But I do know that I dont like Nijiiro Days. Its painful to watch. The MC is a pussy. His friends are unlikable. The only likable character I found was Anna. I thought itd be better the more I watch but I think Im dropping it. Its not worth it. Thats it for this day good night AniList 57https://i.ur.com/4Ao1Ucm.gif Next post Previous Post Current Streak: Posted 25 times in a row. Header gif: Hibike Euphoniumhttps://anilist.co/anime/20912/HibikeEuphonium/