Halloween marathon pt 9 https://anilist.co/anime/2354/DevilmanTanjouHen/ https://anilist.co/anime/2355/DevilmanTheDemonBird/ I watched it yesterday but it was 4 am already and didnt have time to post the update. So here it is. The OVA version has some explanations that were skipped in the newest series it cleared up some thing I wasnt sure about after watching Crybaby but yeah its obviously not as good. It lacks good characterization that made Crybaby work so well and ends abruptly without showing the full story. Still this is something Id recommend to the fans of Yuasa work. It gives you a different perspective and explains some things. Certain parts of the story differ a lot. Its also really welldone technically speaking the artwork was clean and the animation was fluid might be thanks to the fact I was watching a BD remaster it was nice to look at. The music was really good too. Also in this version you can see Ryo going on a rampage during the sabbath in the rythm of rock and roll music and this sequence alone makes it worth watching lol. Demon world presentation warning: nudity and violence Other pics warning: nudity and violence PS The hospital scene was just as gay as I imagined after seeing the memes. Good job.