400https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4837/458950905423ee7409f4do.gif 57https://i.ur.com/4Ao1Ucm.gif Stuff actually happened on a weekend. Rare. That was a lie. So. Today I woke up. I was lying in bed and messing with my lists here when I noticed Inugamisan to Nekoyamasanhttps://anilist.co/anime/20604/InugamisantoNekoyamasan/. I thought I dont really remember this anime so lets rewatch it it has 3 minute episodes anyways. And so I rewatched it epic style. Then I realised that its already 10:30 and I havent had breakfast yet. Anime can make me forget essential things. Then I was basically messing around with some Windows themes. I really should catch up to my seasonals or itll end up like the summer season where I only watched through like one show and thats it. On the contrary Ive finally started watching Assassination Classroomhttps://anilist.co/anime/20755/AnsatsuKyoushitsuTV/ which I really enjoy so far. Ive also started Asobi Asobasehttps://anilist.co/anime/101001/AsobiAsobase/. Its random. Thats the best word that can describe it. Random. Its a clusterfuck of funny. I absolutely fucking love it. While I was watching through episode two to five by the end my stomach was legit hurting from laughing so much. I really recommend this to those who like absurd and over the top humor like me. I also want to start watching Aikatsuhttps://anilist.co/anime/15061/Aikatsu/ as well to improve on my idoltrash skill. Thats it for this day good night AniList and see you next day 57https://i.ur.com/4Ao1Ucm.gif Next post Previous Post Current Streak: Posted 1 times in a row. I FORGOT TO POST YESTERDAY FUCK MY LIFE Header gif: https://anilist.co/anime/2167/Clannad