Rating Methodology 10 point scale influenced mostly by the experience as a whole but also forgiving. things like cgi cop out scenes i.e. a fight technically happening off screen arent deal breakers but excessive use does get distracting. im not here to watch a powerpoint presentation lol S score 910: exceeded expectations a surprise hit with me emotionally enthralling or puts on a master class in an aspect of anime i enjoy. would recommend to anyone. A score: 78: a strong candidate for a S with some drawbacks or mistakes. was still an enjoyable watch but would only recommend this tier of anime with stipulations. B score: 56: a passing grade. had some trouble but is ultimately redeemed by one or two aspects. this is the lowest grade i usually give to a series i finish. C score: 34: a struggle to finish. stumbles left and right with little redemption in terms of its objectives. a bad taste left in my mouth not worth recommending. D score: 12: i probably only finished this ironically. F 0: a boku no pico remake by studio deen and dubbed by 4kids. X: this.https://anilist.co/anime/19315/Pupa/