400https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4854/314051465178b2f01baa6o.gif 57https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4811/31391998887ff5a6b51b7o.gif War. War never changes. I havent watched any anime in the past 34 days except the Advent Challenge one Nijiiro Days. Somehow Ive managed to hit my knee so hard that it still hurts when I step. I cant really run now. Fuck slippery roads and bikes. This is so sad. Smash like. This is basically the highlight of the day along with me getting a new top play in osu. Im a filthy DT farmer. And also bots happened on AL. That was an interesting hour. Get the medal from TheAffico if you want he did a great job on it. Anyways. Future stuff. I have to catch up on seasonals Im really far behind. I have to finish rewatching SAO season 1 and Mondaijitachi. I have to start rewatching Toradora. I have to find some actually interesting manga to read. My two good plays this evening: https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4860/32472892168d5091cf46co.png Thats it for this day good night AniList and see you next day 57https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4811/31391998887ff5a6b51b7o.gif Next post Previous Post Current Streak: Posted 9https://anilist.co/activity/22279712 times in a row. Header gif: https://anilist.co/anime/20594/SwordArtOnlineII 8 more days till Christmas Except my profile decorated all the way on the 24th