400https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4905/44568870490db36081133o.gif 57https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4811/31391998887ff5a6b51b7o.gif Kex :clap: did an oopsie My god. This was a bad day for my luck. Had a physics test did pretty bad on it. Im not that worried about that though I can get some good marks easily but its still not a good feeling. Then at home I promised my cousin that Id install a better ROM to her phone and somehow managed to fucking hardbrick the damn thing. I hate myself so fucking much right now. I have a solution for it but its really late and I dont really have time to do it. Ill do it Thursday. I hate LG phones. Mine could be at least saved from a hardbrick without touching the hardware. Well not under LGs watch. Seriously fuck them. I didnt even flash a ROM that was incompatible it was made for that very device and it still fucked it up. Ill just try to distract myself by reading some manga. Thats it for this day good night AniList and see you next day 57https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4811/31391998887ff5a6b51b7o.gif Next post Previous Post Current Streak: Posted 11https://anilist.co/activity/22279712 times in a row. Header gif: https://anilist.co/anime/20594/SwordArtOnlineII 6 more days till Christmas Except my profile decorated all the way on the 24th