This is an archive of all official MRC Manga Challenges click here for a list of all AWC Anime Challenges Point values for each challenge can be found in the parenthesis following each challenge link. If a challenge has different point rewards based on challenge levels they will be split by a forward slash and show cumulative total points taking into account each level of the challenge. If no point values are listed the challenge does not award any points. Tier Challenges Manga Beginners 2pts Manga Intermediate 4pts Manga Advanced 6pts Manga City All Manga City challenges are worth 1 point upon completion. School Museum Beach Cemetery Airport Casino Office Amusement Park Garage Konbini Onsen Military Base Hospital Park Home Construction Site Mall Library Dagashiya Concert Hall Subway Special Manga Explorers 1/3/6pts Recommendations 2pts Manga Space Adventurers 3/6pts Manga Lottery 2pts Art Artists 2pts Formula 1 5pts Light Novel Challenge 2pts OneShot Roulette 1pt Naoki Urasawa Collection 1pt Manga Magazines Challenge 3pts